duminică, 24 iunie 2012

Filtre - ( Filters)

Filtru 1 
Tehnica: Mixt pe sticla

Filtru 2

Filtru 3 

The group of works Filters are the result of an experimental project I used to do. I put patterns of my interpretation of the astral plane on a glass screen and used it as an interference to take photo of different people. What I wanted to pursue was a projection of their image in an astral plane in order to imagine how would they change or transform. The “astral layer” helped in creating a bridge between my concepts and people’s understanding of them and also started some meaningful conversations. On the long run it was a good study of how my technique could interact with real people: their transformation in the astral realm became instantaneous .The “real
world” and the astral plane always interact with each other.

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